Tiny Tumblers
The Tiny Tumblers Program is where your little one starts to become a DREAMer! Classes are specially designed for developing coordination, balance, and even social & educational skills! Circuits are set up to go along with our weekly theme to get your kiddo moving
PALS. Walking-Age 3
Partner Assisting Little ones
Instructor lead-Partner assisted! Parents, Grandparents or Nanny’s all welcome to guide your little one through this class to get them ‘jump started’ on fine motor skills, balance & coordination.
Preschool Ages 3&4
It’s time for your ‘Big Kid’ to hit the floor on their own! The instructors will guide them through the class to start achieving skills to grow & build on.
KindgerGym Ages 5&6
Your student is now in the transitional phase of gymnastics! We are excited to offer them a chance for achieving bigger skills & reaching new heights!
*Look for our Boys STRONG specialty Tiny Tumbler classes too! (Strength, Technique, Running, Obstacles 'N Gymnastics!)